In this video, Peak Run Performance coaches Eric Reyes and Jacob Puzey demonstrate a variation of the Squires Long Run that includes surges at MARATHON EFFORT effort or 6 out of 10 on the RPE scale or purple on the Peak Run Performance Color Continuum.
The goal of the Squires Long Run is to prepare your body and mind for the demands of running goal race pace (or faster) on tired legs. This run can range between two and three hours depending on where you’re at in your training block and how long your long runs have been.
The Squires Long Run is a good time to practice fueling, pacing, and race simulation by testing out the gear and nutrition you’re considering for race day. Squires long runs can be worked into your schedule every few weeks once the body has built a strong aerobic base and long runs have regularly been in the hour and a half to two hour range.
Additionally, you’ll want to have done some higher intensity fartlek efforts and cut down or progressive long runs in the weeks leading up to your first Squires Long Run so that it isn’t such a shock to the system. Remember, we want to avoid injury so that we can train and build consistently.
You’ll start with an easy, aerobic effort at 4 to 5 out of 10 RPE as a long warm up. After warming up for between 30 and 60 minutes you’ll alternate between 8 minutes at MARATHON effort or 6 out of 10 RPE followed by 2 minute recovery efforts at 4 or 5 out of 10 RPE.
So every 10 minutes you’ll start with an 8 minute MARATHON effort followed by a 2 minute recovery effort. After 6-8 of these 8 minute MARATHON intervals followed by 2 minute recovery intervals, you’ll follow it up with a long aerobic cool down at 4 to 5 out of 10 RPE.
The Squires Long Run is named after the legendary coach of the Greater Boston Track Club, Bill Squires. Squires coached the likes of marathon champions Bill Rodgers, Alberto Salazar, and Dick Beardsley as well as countless others. To learn more about coach Bill Squires, read Born to Coach: The Story of Bill Squires, the Legendary Coach of the Greatest Generation of American Distance Runners.
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The team of Coaches at Peak Run Performance are passionate about the sport of running and optimizing training to make gains toward an athletes' goals. We value teamwork, foster communication and take a holistic approach to our coaching practices. We strive to use current training theories, personal experience and creativity to optimize individual results and ensure our athletes are having fun while working hard.
"All Distances. All Surfaces. All Abilities."